Properties & Rents price in Bangladesh 2025
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Bashundhara
- Installments: yes
- Area Sq Ft: 1250 & 2500
- No. of Bedrooms: 3/4/5
- Bathrooms: 4
- Balconies: 2
- Car Parking: yes
- Unit per Floor: 1/2
- Building Height: 7
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Mohammadpur
- Facing: South Facing
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Mohakhali
- Facing: North Facing
- Area Sq Ft: 1100, 2200
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Sector-3,Uttara
- Facing: south
- Area Sq Ft: 1427
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2
- Carpark: 1
- Furnishied: cabinet in all room
- Deposit Amount: 2 month advance
- No of Rooms: 2
- No of Toilets: 2
- Area Sq Ft: 80 - 100
- Furnishied: No
- Location: Uttara
- City: DHAKA
- Location: HAZIPARA
- City: DHAKA
- Location: HAZIPARA
- City: DHAKA
- Location: HAZIPARA
- City: DHAKA
- Location: UTTARA
- Area Sq Ft: 1300
- Land Size: 3 Katha
- Location: Sector 9 Rajuk Purbachal
- Land Size: 3 Katha
- Location: Ashulia
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Mohakhali
- Facing: North Facing
- Area Sq Ft: 1100, 2200
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2
- : Dhanmondi Call 01713129549
- Land Size: 3,5,10 KATA
- Location: UTTARA
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Uttara, Mohakhali
- Facing: North, South
- Area Sq Ft: 900, 1800, 1100, 2200
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2,
- Car Parking: 8, 10
- Unit per Floor: 1, 2
- Land Size: 4
- Location: Mugda Para
- Land Size: 7 Katha
- Location: Banani
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Bashundhara
- Installments: Yes
- Area Sq Ft: 2500 & 1250
- No. of Bedrooms: 3/4/5
- Bathrooms: 4
- Balconies: 2
- Car Parking: Yes
- Furnishied: N/A
- Unit per Floor: 1&2
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Mohakhali
- Facing: North Facing
- Area Sq Ft: 1100, 2200
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Mirpur Senpara Porbota
- Facing: North
- Area Sq Ft: 1200
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2
- Carpark: 3
- Furnishied: Full
- Deposit Amount: 45000
- Rental Terms: 2 years
- Land Size: 5 katha
- Location: Sector-17; R-402C; P- 003
- Land Size: 5 katha
- Location: Sector-17; R-402C; P- 003
- City: Cox's Bazar, Chittagong
- Location: Kolatoli Circle, Cox's Bazar,
- Handover Date: 2011, 2013, & 2014
- Installments: yes
- Facing: North-South-East-West
- Area Sq Ft: 300- 910
- No. of Bedrooms: 1-2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Balconies: 1-2
- Car Parking: No Pay For Parking
- Furnishied: yes
- Unit per Floor: 4-44
- Building Height: 14 St
- City: Dhaka
- No. of Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Balconies: 2
- Carpark: 1
- Deposit Amount: 12000/=
- Rental Terms: PLz.Contract-0167117804401755520641
- City: Dhaka
- No. of Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Land Size: 7 Katha
- Location: Goran,Khilgaon
- City: dhaka
- Location: ashulia
- Facing: west
- Area Sq Ft: 13000
- No. of Bedrooms: na
- Bathrooms: na
- Balconies: na
- Carpark: 6
- Furnishied: na
- Deposit Amount: 30lac
- Rental Terms: on condition
Properties & Rents - Buy online at cheapest price from ClickBD the best online shopping site in Bangladesh.